In a 2 March 2000 letter to President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the IFJ expressed its alarm over the death threat directed against journalist Almir Carvalho, editor of the daily “A Palabra”, by the prefect of Alegre, Gilvan Dutra. The IFJ was informed by the Federaçao Nacional do Jornalistas (FENAJ), that the journalist was threatened because […]
In a 2 March 2000 letter to President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the IFJ expressed its alarm over the death threat directed against journalist Almir Carvalho, editor of the daily “A Palabra”, by the prefect of Alegre, Gilvan Dutra.
The IFJ was informed by the Federaçao Nacional do Jornalistas (FENAJ), that the journalist was threatened because of his publication of the Prefectureâs accounts, which have been examined by the Tribunal of Accounts. The journalist had stated that citizens have the right to know how their money is being used. The IFJ believes that this threat is a serious attack against the freedom of circulation of information.
Moreover, the IFJ was informed that this is part of a process of harassment of journalists and freedom of the press in Brazil. On 22 February, journalist Erick Gulmaraes and photojournalist Marcos Studart, who work for the daily “O Povo”, were investigating acts of corruption in the municipality of Hidrolandia. Studart and the driver, Vladir Gomes Soares, who also works for newspaper, were tortured (see IFEX alert of 28 February 2000). This act was deemed to be the responsibility of the city’s prefect, Luis Antonio Farias.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to the president:
– urging him to ensure that that those responsible for the death threats against Carvalho and the attack on Studart and Gomes Soares are brought to justice
– further urging him to do everything he can to ensure that journalists can carry out their profession freely
Appeals To
His Excellency Fernando Henrique Cardoso
President of the Republic
Office of the President
Planalto Palace
Brazilia, Brazil
Fax: +411 15 73 19 35
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.