Journalist Shantiram Acharya arrested, sentenced to seven and a half years in prison

This article is more than 16 years old

Recent articles in Bhutan

Two women shelter from the rain under an umbrella at the Royal University of Bhutan in Thimphu, 23 August 2018, ARUN SANKAR/AFP/Getty Images

Bhutan: Namgay Zam talks about the importance of women in media

Namgay Zam was appointed this week as the executive director of the Journalists Association of Bhutan. She talks with about the role of women leaders in media.

A monk takes a photo with his mobile phone outside the Punakha Dzong [administrative centre] in Bhutan, 17 April 2016, REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton

Bhutan’s unhappy decision

The Himalayan nation of Bhutan, known for its seclusion policies and Gross National Happiness index, has given a Facebook user a very unhappy choice: Pay the equivalent of 10 years’ salary or go to jail.

Link to: Changes in government ad policy threaten Bhutan’s independent media

Changes in government ad policy threaten Bhutan’s independent media

A Bhutanese government directive forbidding advertising to be placed in a daily newspaper is believed to be in retaliation for the publication of articles critical of possible abuse of power and corruption.