Radio host Jean Bosco Ndayiragije was summoned to appear at the prosecutor's office following a report broadcast on his station that criticised judicial authorities.
(JED/IFEX) – On 28 July 2009, RPA (Radio publique africaine) radio host Jean Bosco Ndayiragije was summoned to appear at the Ngozi prosecutor’s office following a report he broadcast between 14 and 16 July that criticised Burundian judicial authorities. RPA is a private radio station based in Ngozi province, northern Burundi.
When Ndayiragije arrived at the prosecutor’s office, he was asked by deputy prosecutor Capitoline Havyarimana to immediately hand over the audio tapes of the show. Appearing without legal representation, Ndayiragije asked for and was granted a one-month postponement to give him time to find a lawyer.
Journalist Marc Kikura, who filed the report, and Stany Mbazumutima, a rights defender at the Iteka/Ngozi Human Rights League who was interviewed for the show, were also summoned on 23 July in relation to the case.