(CEHURDES/IFEX) – Three journalists – Yubaraj Ghimire, Kailash Sirohiya and Binod Gyawali – were released on Friday 15 June 2001 by order of the full bench of the Special Court, after spending ten days in detention. Ghimire was released on bail of Rs. 2,000 (approx. US$27). However, the court released Sirohiya and Gyawali without bail. […]
(CEHURDES/IFEX) – Three journalists – Yubaraj Ghimire, Kailash Sirohiya and Binod Gyawali – were released on Friday 15 June 2001 by order of the full bench of the Special Court, after spending ten days in detention. Ghimire was released on bail of Rs. 2,000 (approx. US$27). However, the court released Sirohiya and Gyawali without bail. Early on 15 June, the authorities filed their case against the journalists in court. A preliminary hearing was held that day. The journalists are to appear in court on 16 July for the next scheduled hearing.
The three journalists were arrested by the authorities on 6 June on the charge of treason, following the publication of an article on Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai.