(IFJ/IFEX) – On 26 July 1999 the head of the twentieth penal court of Lima, Judge Arturo Vílchez Requejo, issued a recently made available sentencing which absolves Hector Ricardo Faisal, representative of the Association for the Defense of Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de la Verdad) of charges of defamation and slander made by Gustavo Mohme […]
(IFJ/IFEX) – On 26 July 1999 the head of the twentieth penal court of Lima,
Judge Arturo Vílchez Requejo, issued a recently made available sentencing
which absolves Hector Ricardo Faisal, representative of the Association for
the Defense of Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de la Verdad) of charges of
defamation and slander made by Gustavo Mohme Llona, the director of “La
República”, reporters Angel Páez and Edmundo Cruz, and journalist Fernando
Rospigliosi, from the magazine “Caretas”.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 14 July, 11 June, 7 June, 2 June, 28 May, 21 May,
17 May, 20 April, 8 April 1999, and 2 December 1998.
Faisal, has had an Internet page since September 1998 in which he insults,
offends, threatens and slanders owners and writers from the media,
congressional representatives, political opposition and journalists
investigating corruption in government.
According to Judge Vílchez, Faisal only used harmless reproductions of
articles from the yellow press, arguing for the protection of freedom of
expression and thought that he said exist in Peru today.
The case was originally received by judge Gretta Minaya Calle, who opened
the process against Faisal and ordered the Internet page be removed.
However, within a few days she was “promoted” to another post and Judge
Vílchez assumed her seat. Judge Vílchez restored Faisal’s “right” to
continue disseminating published defamation.
The journalist’s defence team is appealing the decision to the Appelate
Court of Lima, presided over by Judge Denisse Baca Cabrera, who will decide
the appeal.
On his own behalf, the ex-president of the National Association of
Magistrates in Peru (Asociacion Nacional de Magistrados del Perú), Angel
Romero Díaz, described the sentence by Judge Vílchez as judicial nonsense
because he did not take into account that Faisal, in disseminating
defamatory information, was an accessory to charges of defamation.
“People’s honor is sacred; Héctor Ricardo Faisal’s criteria means that any
neighbor’s son can make reference to defamatory remarks made in the press or
media and republish them in any way conceivable,” said Romero.
Recommended Action
Submit appeals to the public defender and the president of the Supreme
and Fernando Rospigliosi.
Appeals To
Dr. Jorge Santistevan de Noriega
Public Defender
Fax: + 51 14 267800Dr. Victor Raul Castillo Castillo
President of the Supreme Court
Fax: + 51 14 268851
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.