(IPYS/IFEX) – In an official letter to the INTERPOL office in Lima, the permanent judge of the Special Court for Tax and Customs Offences (Juzgado Especializado en Delitos Tributarios y Aduaneros), Nicolás Trujillo, ordered Neomy Even and Michal Ivcher, wife and daughter of businessman Baruch Ivcher, to be found and detained on charges of doctoring […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – In an official letter to the INTERPOL office in Lima, the
permanent judge of the Special Court for Tax and Customs Offences (Juzgado
Especializado en Delitos Tributarios y Aduaneros), Nicolás Trujillo, ordered
Neomy Even and Michal Ivcher, wife and daughter of businessman Baruch
Ivcher, to be found and detained on charges of doctoring Channel 2’s books.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 9 November and 27 October 1998. For background to
other cases see IFEX alerts of 4 November, 16 September, 2 September, 18
August and 6 July 1998 (Paraíso mattress company case); 6 November, 15 July,
6 July and other 1998 alerts and 19 September 1997 (Channel 2/revoked
These new steps against the Ivcher family are based on a criminal trial that
concluded that the alleged alterations were made with the purpose of
falsifying Mrs. Ivcher’s and her daughter’s stakes in the Channel 2
broadcast in order to “initiate a non-existent right as third party
shareholders,” according to Judge Trujillo.
Although the civil court ruled in favour of Neomy Even’s right to 54% of the
Channel 2 stock, this criminal tax court case was initiated with the clear
purpose of preventing her from exercising her right as owner of those
shares. According to the Civil Code, she has that right by marriage,
although her husband Baruch Ivcher was stripped of his citizenship and
ownership of the television station in September 1997 (see IFEX alerts).
This request to INTERPOL confirms the recent Human Rights Watch report in
which the organisation concluded that violations against human rights in
Peru are on the rise. It also signals to the country and the world that the
persecution of Ivcher and his family is reaching an extreme stage.