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Asia & Pacific

11159 articles
Link to: Journalists harassed by minister, expelled from meeting

Journalists harassed by minister, expelled from meeting

The following is a 1 March 2000 press release by the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) – Jakarta Office, of which AJI is a member: Malang: Journalists harassed by Minister of Law and Legislation 1 March 2000 The Southeast Asian Press Alliance-Jakarta Office is deeply concerned by the recent harassment of journalists who were thrown […]

Link to: Riot police rough up journalists

Riot police rough up journalists

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to the police minister of the state of West Australia, Kevin Prince, RSF protested police violence against journalists in Perth. RSF reminded the minister of “his duty to protect journalists, and to identify and sanction those responsible for these acts.” RSF is pleased to note that an inquiry has been […]

Link to: CPJ protests censorship of Sharif trial news

CPJ protests censorship of Sharif trial news

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is dismayed by Justice Rehmat Hussain Jafri’s decision to censor media coverage of the trial of former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. In an order delivered on 25 February 2000 in response to a petition filed by the prosecution, the judge reportedly said that any statements made by the defendants must be […]

Link to: Explosion outside Catholic radio station

Explosion outside Catholic radio station

(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to Interior Minister Alfredo Lim, RSF expressed concern about a bomb explosion that damaged the premises of the Roman Catholic radio station DXMS, and asked the minister to enforce the law and ensure journalists’ safety. According to RSF, attacks on state-owned and private media point to a deterioration of the […]

Link to: CPJ protests censorship of “Time” magazine

CPJ protests censorship of “Time” magazine

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is deeply concerned about the actions taken last week by a customs official in Calcutta to censor the 21 February 2000 edition of “Time”, an international weekly newsmagazine. On 16 February, customs agents at the Calcutta airport blocked the distribution of 3,000 issues of “Time” magazine because they contained a one-page interview […]

Link to: Radio journalist attacked by policemen

Radio journalist attacked by policemen

The following is a 24 February 2000 press release by the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) Jakarta office, of which AJI is a member: PROTEST OF ATTACK OF A JAKARTA NEWS FM RADIO JOURNALIST BY POLICEMEN OF POLSEK JAKARTA SELATAN The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) Jakarta office condemns the attack on Hais Quraisi, a […]

Link to: SEAPA protests journalist’s detention

SEAPA protests journalist’s detention

The following is a 15 February 2000 press release by the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), of which AJI is a member: PROTEST OF DETENTION OF A KEDIRI POS’S JOURNALIST The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) Jakarta office protests the recent detention of Doni Prasetyo, a Kediri Pos’s journalist. He was arrested without a warrant […]

Link to: Radio station, newspaper offices attacked by mobs

Radio station, newspaper offices attacked by mobs

The following is a 17 February 2000 press release by the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), of which AJI is a member: PROTEST OF MOBS’ RAMPAGES TOWARDS MEDIA IN WEST PAPUA The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) Jakarta office strongly condemns mob attacks against the Merauke and Fakfak Radio Republik Indonesia’s (RRI, the government-owned radio […]

Link to: Journalist detained and photographer beaten

Journalist detained and photographer beaten

In an 18 February 2000 letter to Indonesian Home Affairs Minister Surjadi Soedirdja, RSF protested the detention of a journalist and an attack on a photographer. RSF asked Soedirdja to enforce the law and to control the behaviour of the police, reminding him that “it is the duty of your ministry to protect journalists who […]

Link to: Libel lawsuits against the press threaten freedom of expression

Libel lawsuits against the press threaten freedom of expression

(IPI/IFEX) – The following is an IPI letter to South Korean President Kim Dae Jung decrying the recent use of libel laws to silence the press: His Excellency Kim Dae-jung President Office of the President Seoul South Korea Vienna, 18 February 2000 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and […]

Link to: Photographer assaulted by police

Photographer assaulted by police

The following is a 16 February 2000 press release by the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), of which AJI is a member: PROTEST ON THE ASSAULT OF DETIK.COM S PHOTOGRAPHER BY THE POLICE The Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA) Jakarta office strongly condemns the assault of Yayus Yuswoprihanto, a s photojournalist, by police officers […]

Link to: Poet remains imprisoned

Poet remains imprisoned

The WiPC of International PEN is alarmed at the reported arrests of four writers for publishing an underground literary journal. The Committee fears that the four men may be detained solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression as guaranteed by Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which […]

Link to: CPJ special report on challenges faced by the press

CPJ special report on challenges faced by the press

The following is a 14 February 2000 CPJ press release announcing the issuing of the organisation’s special report entitled “Pakistan–The Press for Change”: For Immediate Release: CPJ ISSUES SPECIAL REPORT: “PAKISTAN–THE PRESS FOR CHANGE” Historically Vigorous Press Survived Increasingly Tyrannical Ruler, Now Faces Challenges Under Military Dictatorship Full Report on Web site: New York, […]

Link to: Four writers arrested

Four writers arrested

(RSF/IFEX) – In a 14 February 2000 letter to Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji, RSF strongly protested the arrest of four writers who publish the underground magazine “China Culture Revival Bulletin”. The literary journal, which started publishing in December 1999, is distributed clandestinely in China and overseas. RSF called for the writers’ immediate release. The […]

Link to: Journalist still faces seventeen years’ imprisonment

Journalist still faces seventeen years’ imprisonment

**Updates IFEX alert of 26 November 1999** (RSF/IFEX) – In a 14 February 2000 letter to Law Minister Aziz A. Munshi, RSF protested the jailing of Ayub Khoso, a columnist with the newspaper “Alakh”, published in Hyderabad. RSF asked the minister to personally intervene in order to assure the journalist’s immediate release. The organisation is […]

Link to: Journalists harassed in West Timor

Journalists harassed in West Timor

(CPJ/IFEX) – CPJ is deeply concerned about the recent harassment of three Portuguese television journalists, who were detained for three days by police in the Indonesian province of West Timor before being forced to leave the country. On 3 February 2000, the SIC television crew — reporter João Ferreira, news editor Rita Nolasco, and cameraman […]