Asia & Pacific

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Asia & Pacific

11161 articles
Link to: Bangladesh editor killed

Bangladesh editor killed

(Media Watch/IFEX)- Saiful Alam Mukul, editor of the “Daily Runner”, was killed by some gunmen on the night of 30 August 1998 in Jessore, a south eastern district town in Bangladesh. Police and hospital sources confirmed the news. The deputy commissioner of Jessore said Saiful Alam Mukul was returning to his Bejpara residence when the […]

Link to: Tamil journalist arrested

Tamil journalist arrested

(FMM/IFEX) – FMM expresses its grave concern about the 26 August 1998 arrest and detention of Mr. Thadshanamurthy Mathusoothanan, a well-known Tamil journalist and literary figure. He has been a regular columnist for “Saranihar”, the Tamil newspaper published by the Movement for Inter-racial Justice and Equality, and he is also editor of the Tamil bulletin […]

Link to: WAN welcomes amnesty for Vietnamese dissident Doan Viet Hoat

WAN welcomes amnesty for Vietnamese dissident Doan Viet Hoat

(WAN/IFEX) – WAN welcomed the announcement on 28 August 1998 that Vietnam had amnestied prominent dissident Doan Viet Hoat, the winner of WAN’s 1998 Golden Pen of Freedom award. **For background to case, see IFEX alerts of 2 July and 29 June 1998; 4 November and 29 January 1997; 4 March 1996; and others** “We […]

Link to: Fiji Government official says new Media Council will be “empowered” by law

Fiji Government official says new Media Council will be “empowered” by law

(PINA/IFEX) – Fiji’s Assistant Minister for Information has again stressed that a new Media Council will be set up under government legislation to replace the news media’s present self-regulatory council. The Assistant Minister, Ratu Josefa Dimuri, is quoted in “The Fiji Times” of 25 August 1998 as saying: “We certainly cannot have a News Council […]

Link to: Journalists report from guarded “sex tape” court case

Journalists report from guarded “sex tape” court case

(PINA/IFEX) – Papua New Guinea journalists were escorted into a guarded courtroom to report on a hearing in the case of a woman allegedly videotaped having sex with a prominent government politician. The “Papua New Guinea Post-Courier” reported on 24 August 1998 that reporters were told to make their way to the courthouse in the […]

Link to: Journalists attacked for reporting on gang rape

Journalists attacked for reporting on gang rape

(PPF/IFEX) – On 17 August 1998, Asif Khokar, chief editor of the daily “Insaf”, Basar Khokar, bureau chief of the daily “Insaf”, and Ch.Yaseen Saleemi, a Pakistan Press International (PPI) correspondent, were fired upon by the accused of a gang rape. The firing injured one of the journalists and caused damage to their car. The […]

Link to: Government expands censorship regulations

Government expands censorship regulations

(CPJ/IFEX) – In a 20 August 1998 letter, the CPJ expressed deep dismay over President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga’s government’s expansion of censorship regulations governing media coverage of the civil war between the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). On 17 August, the Defense Ministry imposed an immediate ban on […]

Link to: Newspapers harassed by Criminal Investigations Department

Newspapers harassed by Criminal Investigations Department

(FMM/IFEX) – According to FMM, on 14 August 1998, officers of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) visited two English-language weeklies, “Sunday Times” and “Sunday Leader”, demanding to know the source of stories related to two government ministers. FMM has consistently opposed visits by the CID to newspaper editorial offices to demand information about the sources […]

Link to: Asia-Pacific journalism training organisations form council

Asia-Pacific journalism training organisations form council

(PINA/IFEX) – Press institutes and journalism training organisations have formed a Council of Asia-Pacific Press Institutes to help strengthen journalism training and news media development in the region. Charter members are: the Press Institute of Bangladesh, the Press Institute of India, the Korean Press Institute, the Press Institute of Mongolia, the Nepal Press Institute, the […]

Link to: Further details on attack on journalist Albert Cheng

Further details on attack on journalist Albert Cheng

(CPJ/IFEX) – Prominent radio talk show host and political commentator Albert Cheng, who was brutally assaulted on 19 August 1998, is now in “very stable and satisfactory condition,” according to his doctors at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. At about 6h30, two unidentified men attacked Cheng with a meat cleaver, slashing him repeatedly in the parking […]

Link to: Radio journalist Albert Cheng attacked

Radio journalist Albert Cheng attacked

(RSF/IFEX) – On 20 August 1998, RSF reported that, according to its sources, on August 19, two men with knives attacked Albert Cheng, host of the well-known “Storm in a Teacup” program for Commercial Radio, as he was entering the radio station. He suffered numerous wounds to his back, arms and legs and was taken […]

Link to: Armed police keep Papua New Guinea reporters from “sex tape” court case

Armed police keep Papua New Guinea reporters from “sex tape” court case

(PINA/IFEX) – The use of armed police on 19 August 1998 to keep the public and journalists from attending the court case of a woman allegedly videotaped while having sex with a prominent government politician is causing anger in Papua New Guinea. National Capital District/Central police commander John Wakon said the police prosecutor used his […]

Link to: Journalist K.P. Gautam sentenced to five days in prison

Journalist K.P. Gautam sentenced to five days in prison

(RSF/IFEX) – On 17 August 1998, K. P. Gautam, a reporter for the state-run daily “Gorkhapatra”, was sentenced to five days in prison by Judge Ishwor Prasad Khatiwada of the Court of Kathmandu. The charges were filed after the 18 June publication of Mr. Gautam’s article entitled “Judges Absorb The Salaries Of Their Lowest Staff”. […]

Link to: Journalist Maurizio Giuliano detained; material confiscated

Journalist Maurizio Giuliano detained; material confiscated

(IFJ/IFEX) – On 12 August, Maurizio Giuliano, an Italian journalist based in Belgium, was stopped by customs officials, and all his films, tapes and some notes were confiscated. Officials also took a list of IFJ member unions. The materials taken by officials include the following: one developed film strip, containing photographs of National League for […]

Link to: French journalist Romain Franklin deported

French journalist Romain Franklin deported

(RSF/IFEX) – On 17 August 1998, Romain Franklin, a journalist for the French daily “Liberation”, was expelled from Rangoon by Burmese authorities. Arrested by plainclothes policemen as he was leaving the headquarters of the National League for Democracy (NLD), he was accused of having illegally entered the country on a tourist visa. Franklin’s film and […]

Link to: Newspaper editor Khawaja Danial Salim attacked

Newspaper editor Khawaja Danial Salim attacked

(PPF/IFEX) – On 16 August 1998, twelve activists with the youth wing of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League (PML) attacked the editor-in-chief of a local weekly inside the Chakwal (city in Punjab province) Press Club for publishing an alleged anti-PML story. Khawaja Danial Salim was saved by other media workers present in the press club. […]