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603 articles

Kuwait: Blogger Salman Al-Khalidi sentenced to prison for five years

GCHR condemns a new five-year prison sentence issued against the blogger for his online free expression.

Bahrain: Ensure human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja adequate medical treatment

IFEX joins rights groups in a joint statement calling on Bahraini authorities to immediately release the prominent human rights defender.

Rights groups call on F1 to disclose human rights clauses amid concerns over sportswashing in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia

IFEX and rights groups warn that Formula 1’s activities in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia will only aid in sportswashing abuses if human rights concerns are not addressed.

Living in Agony: The long-term effects of torture in Bahrain

Victims of torture continue to suffer from their abuse years after their mistreatment.

Abduljalil al-Singace taking part in a march at the royal court in Riffa, Bahrain, 11 March 2011, Mohamed CJ [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Bahrain: Free Dr Abduljalil Al-Singace after a year and a half of hunger strike

Amid alarming reports of his worsening health, IFEX and rights groups renew calls for the immediate release of Bahraini human rights defender Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace.

Bahrain: European Parliament passes resolution after Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja’s sentencing on new charges

Urgent resolution calls for an end to human rights violations in Bahrain, and the release of all those detained for exercising their right to freedom of expression.

Bahrain: Prominent human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja facing trials for protests

Al-Khawaja faces new charges linked to his protests about being denied the right to call his daughters abroad from Jaw Prison.

Bahrain: Pope Francis should condemn Bahrain rights record during visit

The Pope should press authorities to commute death sentences and release all those unjustly imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of association, peaceful assembly, and expression.

Bahrain: Death sentences follow torture, sham trials

Courts routinely violated defendants’ rights to a fair trial, and failed to investigate credible claims of coerced confessions.

Bahrain: Prominent human rights defender Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and other prisoners of conscience face reprisals

Prison authorities promote a number of perpetrators who have tortured prisoners of conscience in the past.

Abduljalil al-Singace taking part in a march at the royal court in Riffa, Bahrain, 11 March 2011, Mohamed CJ [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Joint letter to Bahrain King: Free 400-day hunger striker Dr. Abduljalil Al-Singace

15 rights groups call on Bahrain King to free jailed academic Al-Singace, who continues to be denied adequate medical care.

Bahrain: Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja receives Martin Ennals Award

The prominent Bahraini activist is currently serving a life sentence for his peaceful human rights work.

US and UK governments turn a blind eye to Bahrain’s dismal human rights record

So long as the US and UK governments are content to ignore the torture, unfair trials, and killing of protesters and government critics, Bahrain’s monarchy will feel at ease to continue its policy of systematic repression.

Bahrain: Stagnation and no signs of change

Authorities continue to ostracise political opponents, systematically close civil and political spaces, and mute dissenting voices ahead of upcoming elections, says a new report from Bahrain Center for Human Rights.

Bahrain: Political prisoners must be freed for a free election to be held

“Unless conditions improve quickly, the 2022 elections will again be a sham perpetrated by the Government of Bahrain on the Bahraini people and any façade of democracy in Bahrain will end,” said Husain Abdulla, ADHRB Executive Director.

Rights groups condemn F1’s “double standard” for racing in Bahrain amidst “continued institutionalized repression”

“Formula 1 must uphold values of peace and unity everywhere, particularly in the countries where they are racing. At present the F1 races in the Gulf are only enabling Bahrain and Saudi to sportswash their abysmal human rights records, which continue to deteriorate.”