A list of journalists attacked by Israeli forces in Gaza
The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate has published a list detailing the attacks that Israeli forces have carried out against journalists reporting on the crisis, including the 4 media workers who have been killed since the conflict began.

Israel to journalists in Gaza: We are not responsible for your injury
Days after Israel tells journalists it is not responsible for their injury a Palestinian cameraman dies in Gaza. Khaled Hamad is the second media professional to have died since the beginning of Israel’s military offensive on 8 July.

Palestinian media worker dies in Israeli airstrike on clearly marked press vehicle
Hamid Shihab, a 30-year-old driver for the Gaza-based press agency Media 24, was killed in a targeted Israeli airstrike on the night of 9 July 2014.

Journalists trapped as Egypt-Gaza border shut
As tension mounts, the Egyptian government continues to keep the Rafah border, one of only two crossings that service the Gaza strip, shut making it extraordinarily difficult for journalists to enter the region.

Press freedom a victim of Israel’s latest military operation
Journalists and media outlets have found themselves victims of a military operation launched by Israel in the West Bank after the disappearance of three Israeli settlers who, Israel claims, were kidnapped by Hamas.

Israeli forces interrupt broadcast of “Good morning Jerusalem” programme; journalist assaulted
MADA condemns the raid by Israeli forces on the studio where the “Good Morning Jerusalem” program was being filmed. Israeli forces claim the program is not licensed and is inciting dissent against the Israeli occupation.

Israeli border police use intimidation and violence against Palestinian journalists
Palestinian and international journalists and cameramen covering events at Damascus Gate on Jerusalem Day, Wednesday, 28 May, were forced to move far away from the scene by border police officers despite the fact they were standing in an area designated for media.

Israel raids publishing house
Israeli soldiers raid publishing company to keep it from distributing Gaza newspapers in West Bank.

Israeli authorities threaten to raid Palestinian TV station
Israeli authorities have yet again threatened Wattan TV with closure unless it halts its broadcasting.

Increase in violence by Israeli security forces against Palestinian journalists
Israeli security forces deliberately fired rubber bullets and teargas at two Palestinian journalists during clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Ramallah on 16 May.

Israeli Minister of Internal Security warned of harassment of journalists
Photojournalist Zuheir Mata was physically harassed by residents of a Jewish town on 27 April 2014 while documenting a baptism ceremony in the Arab village of al-Bassa in Israel. The town is built over parts of al-Bassa.

Shutting down Al-Aqsa: Israeli forces attack 8 journalists covering Friday prayers in the streets of Jerusalem
On 21 April, Al-Aqsa Mosque’s Noble Sanctuary was shut down by Israeli authorities. On 25 April 2014, while Muslim worshippers prayed in the streets of Jerusalem, eight Palestinian photographers and journalists were beaten up by Israeli forces as they attempted to cover the prayers and the subsequent clashes.

Palestinian journalist injured by rubber bullets fired by Israeli troops
Palestinian photographer Maaz Meshaal, who works for the Turkish news agency Anadol, was hit by more than ten rubber bullets fired by Israeli troops.

Israel arrests Palestinian journalist after visiting Lebanon
Journalist Majd Kayyal was arrested on 12 April 2014 returning from Lebanon via the Sheikh Hussein Crossing after two weeks in Lebanon participating in the As Safir newspaper conference. He is facing charges of visiting a hostile state and communicating with foreign agents.

Israeli forces detain six Palestinian journalists in the West Bank
Those detained were Dubai TV correspondent Mohamed Assayed, Associated Press cameraman Mohamed Hassan and producer Rami Abdu, French Agency photographer Mousa Alshaer, Alquds Dot Com photographer Abd-Alrahman Younis, and an American photographer who is yet to be identified.

Palestinian women journalists subjected to attacks by both Israeli and Palestinian forces
Palestinian women journalists have continuously suffered over the past years of Israeli occupation while doing their jobs. On International Womens Day, the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms published a statement calling for the end of violence against women.