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222 articles

Jordan: Ban on satirical news site “Al Hudood” must be lifted

“Blocking a website that publishes satire shows intolerance toward criticism that is troubling.”

Digital targeting and its offline consequences for LGBTQI+ people in MENA

A new report examines how several authorities in the region have integrated technology into their policing of LGBTQI+ people.

Jordan: Government crushes civic space

Authorities use vague and abusive laws that criminalize speech, association, and assembly.

Jordan: Journalist Adnan Al-Rousan arrested over critical columns posted on Facebook

Prominent columnist detained for critical online posts that allegedly violated cybercrime law.

Jordan: Call for freedom for activist Sumaya Abu Nabaa

Since her arrest, Abu Nabaa has announced an open-ended hunger strike, amid calls to lift restrictions on freedom of expression, and release prisoners of conscience.

Jordan: Government imposes more severe restrictions on freedom of expression

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jordanian authorities have been cracking down even more so on journalists by passing new legislation further limiting freedom of expression.

Jordan: Six journalists prosecuted in past month under cybercrime law

“Jordanian authorities must not tolerate misuse of defamation or cyber-crime laws that could result in police abuses,” said Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

Jordan: Civil liberties continue to face repressive restrictions

The Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR) calls on Jordanian authorities to immediately end repressive measures that have restricted freedoms in the country, including the right to free expression and peaceful assembly.

Jordan: Lèse-majesté pardons stir calls for decriminalizing free expression

Recent pardons for those convicted of lèse-majesté is a welcome step in acknowledging that laws criminalizing heads of state and others in power have no place in a democratic country, said IPI Executive Director Barbara Trionfi.

Police close the streets leading to the prime minister's office during a protest, in Amman, Jordan, 29 July 2020, after the arrests by security forces of top members of the Jordan Teachers Syndicate. Jordan PIx/Getty Images

Jordan: Teacher activists face campaign of arrests and intimidation

Authorities continue to arrest and intimidate protesting teacher union activists one year after authorities suspended the country’s largest professional union.

People take part in a protest against a "campaign of repression" targeting those who post information on social networks and in support of freedom of expression, in Rabat, Morocco, 9 January 2020, FADEL SENNA/AFP via Getty Images

Mapping digital rights in MENA: towards a safer online environment

New research from IFEX member 7amleh examines how digital rights policies and practices in Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia are impacting freedom of expression and the right to information, and highlights the need to improve people’s access to a safer online environment.

Jordan dissolves teachers’ union and jails its board members

A controversial court decision has dissolved Jordan’s Teachers’ Syndicate – the country’s largest independent trade union – and its board members have been imprisoned.

Jordan: Publisher Jamal Haddad arrested for questioning pandemic response

The Committee To Protect Journalists says the arrest of Jordanian publisher Jamal Haddad is part of efforts by authorities aimed at intimidating journalists who question the government response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and calls for his immediate release.

Jordan exploits state of emergency to crack down on protests and free expression

According to Human Rights Watch, Jordanian authorities have exploited the state of emergency to crack down on public outrage over the arbitrary government closure of the Teachers’ Syndicate.

Silencing voices in the Kingdom: Ongoing crackdown on activists in Jordan

Jordanian authorities have been targeting protest leaders, participants, and critics on social media, in an effort to curb protests.

Judges preside over a trial in a courtroom in Amman, Jordan, 17 July 2017, KHALIL MAZRAAWI/AFP/Getty Images

Jordan arrests two journalists over report on finance minister

The two journalists, who work for the independent news website Jfranews, have been charged under Jordan’s Press and Publication Law and Cybercrime Law.