Middle East & North Africa

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Middle East & North Africa

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MENA’s Summer of repression: Journalists, activists, and free expression under siege

August 2024 in MENA: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

Egypt: Spate of free speech prosecutions

IFEX joins rights groups sounding the alarm over Egypt’s latest wave of arrests and prosecutions targeting journalists and critics.

Iraqi Kurdistan: Two media workers killed and one injured in Turkish drone strike

“Turkish authorities should swiftly investigate this attack and determine if the reporting team was targeted for their work.”

Escalating crackdown on free speech in the Gulf

Gulf states silence critics with harsh prison sentences and deportations, using vague laws to crack down on online dissent.

Egypt: Reforming arbitrary pretrial detention requires political will over legal formalities

Rights groups warn that reducing pretrial detention is futile without ending repressive practices and ensuring judicial independence.

EU must take action against Israel’s unprecedented attacks on journalists and media freedom

IFEX joins calls on the EU to act decisively to protect press freedom and ensure accountability amid record journalist deaths in Gaza and severe media crackdowns in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Bahrain must restore rights in Jau prison amid prisoner protests

“Various restrictions imposed on prisoners’ movements and, most recently, the interruption of communications with families must end,” said UN experts.

Israeli tank targets group of reporters in Gaza, killing one and wounding another

Videos and eyewitness accounts indicate that the group of reporters were isolated and identifiable when an Israeli tank opened fire.

Iran: Alarming surge in executions

87 executions reported after June’s presidential elections, including 29 in one day.

Palestinian youth face alarming digital security threats

A new study from 7amleh reveals how online harassment and cyber surveillance of young Palestinians has sparked a chilling rise in self-censorship.

CPJ denounces Israel’s smearing of killed Palestinian journalists with unsubstantiated ‘terrorist’ labels

The nefarious tactic has been widely condemned as part of a broader effort to silence Palestinian journalists and undermine reporting from Gaza.

Hosting of UN climate summits by authoritarian countries raises alarms over human rights

Rights groups urge the UN to ensure that future climate summits are held in countries that respect human rights and allow for peaceful assembly and free speech.

ElMaraya raid sparks concerns for Egypt’s cultural freedom

Rights groups demand that the government stop targeting independent cultural organizations and respect the right to artistic expression.

Solidarity grows for detained Jordanian journalist Ahmed Hassan Al-Zoubi

Activists demand Al-Zoubi’s release, slamming the government’s attempt to silence him for his online free expression.

UAE84 trial is a mockery of justice

Rights groups call for the release of 84 human rights defendants after a trial marked by severe irregularities and unjust sentences.

Egypt: Rights groups condemn crackdown on journalists, and warn of widening press freedom violations

The detention of Khaled Mamdouh and Ashraf Omar raises concerns that it will be the beginning of a security campaign against independent journalists.