Syria: Preserve evidence of mass atrocities
Transitional authorities must protect evidence crucial for uncovering the fate of the disappeared and securing future justice.
Towards a new Syria: A homeland of justice, freedom and dignity for all
Syria’s oppressive regime has fallen, ending decades of tyranny and sparking hope for a future built on justice, dignity, and human rights.
GCHR salutes the Syrian people on the dawn of freedom
As Syria enters a new era, GCHR calls on the new government to uphold civil liberties for all citizens, and pursue transitional justice.
RSF calls for Bashar al-Assad to be prosecuted for the murder of 181 journalists since the 2011 revolution
On the day of the regime’s fall, 23 journalists were still imprisoned, and seven were victims of enforced disappearances.
Syria: Protecting civilians and pursuing justice critical to ending decades of oppression and conflict
Escalating violence in Northwestern Syria underscores the urgent need for justice and a political solution to end decades of impunity.
Report: Combating impunity for crimes against Syrian journalists
A new SCM study highlights the need for effective mechanisms to address widespread abuses against journalists in Syria.
Syria: Two journalists released after arbitrary detention amid ongoing crackdown
The detention of journalists Bakr Qassem and Karam Kulliyeh raises concerns over increasing repression of press freedom in Northern Syria.
Syrian journalists threatened with arrest and deportation by neighbouring states
“If sent back to Syria, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists, they risk imminent arrest and even death.” – RSF
Syria: French court sentences three officials close to Bashar al-Assad to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity
“The fight against impunity for crimes committed by the Syrian regime and by all parties to this conflict continues.”
Syria revokes accreditation of 2 BBC journalists
“The recent revocation of two BBC reporters’ accreditation shows that the government remains intent on stifling independent voices.”
UN votes for establishing independent body on missing persons in Syria
The landmark resolution marks an initial step towards uncovering the fate of more than 130,000 missing people.
Canada and Netherlands bring Syrian torture allegations to International Court of Justice
The case bolsters international efforts working towards addressing the state of impunity in Syria.
Berlin court sentences perpetrator to life imprisonment for war crimes in Syria
SCM welcomes the court’s decision as a step toward justice and redress for the victims of grave violations committed in Syria since 2011.
Two refugee journalists in Turkey risk deportation to Syria
“Sending them back to Syria is to send them back to imprisonment, disappearance, or even death,” says RSF.