(FMM/IFEX) – The following is an 18 October 2006 joint statement by FMM and several other organisations: THE WELIGAMA DECLARATION 2006 THE ROLE OF MEDIA FOR NATIONAL UNITY Preamble: We, the journalists, editors, news directors, and other media practitioners of the Sri Lankan mass media, along with media scholars and other concerned activists, gathered in […]
(FMM/IFEX) – The following is an 18 October 2006 joint statement by FMM and several other organisations:
We, the journalists, editors, news directors, and other media practitioners of the Sri Lankan mass media, along with media scholars and other concerned activists, gathered in Weligama, on September 09 – 10th, 2006, to collectively reflect on the theme of the “Role of Media in National Unity” in a workshop convened by the Bakeer Markar Center for National Unity, unanimously resolved to adopt this Declaration.
Our gathering and our concerned focus is prompted by the severity of the crisis faced by Sri Lankan society and all its peoples which has threatened the very survival of our economy, society and political system. We stress the long-felt need to understand the various dynamics that have led us to this situation which, if not creatively and imaginatively resolved, could further deteriorate into more complex crises. The prospect of worsening conflict challenges the mass media to actively mobilize its capacities in performing its role as society’s watchdog and bridge-builder.
As the principal structure of social communication, the Sri Lankan mass media plays a crucial role in the cultural and intellectual life of our society as it grapples with this enormous challenge. The media plays a significant role in nurturing social and cultural attitudes and political values, in providing information resources needed for decision-making and in enabling public discourse.
Role of the Media for National Unity
The mass media, along with the political leadership, community leaders and affected groups, is one of the major stake holders in our society’s endeavour to overcome the crisis. The media’s role is especially significant in the development of collective understandings, new concepts, social awareness and the momentous decisions needed to meet the challenge.
Thus, this Workshop in Weligama has arrived at the following conclusions:
1. There is a need for the building of a Sri Lankan nation while recognizing and respecting our diverse social and cultural identities.
2. The media should enable the articulation of the diversity of socio-cultural interests and political aspirations in the process of nation building.
3. The mass media must fulfil the task of clarifying misconceptions that could nurture inter-ethnic tensions and suspicions.
4. There should be greater self awareness by the media practitioner of his/her significance as an actor in the construction of greater social, cultural and political unity.
5. There is already an acknowledgement that sections of the mass media in all three languages have contributed towards the deepening of the conflict. At times, however, the media has acted in a socially responsible manner in the coverage of incidents without allowing such incidents to lead to larger social tensions. Such a practice should be adhered to in the reportage of the ethnic conflict as a whole.
6. This forum is of the view that a self-critical approach by the media as well as constructive criticism of the media by the intellectual community will help the media profession and industry play a more positive role.
7. Media has a role to play in promoting dialogue and consultation between all social and political formations in the country.
8. The market conditions in which the media industry operates and, the compulsions of capturing and retaining audiences, has also contributed to the polarization of communities. The industry has the potential to exploit markets in a more imaginative manner that can build on audience unity rather than cause audience polarization.
9. The media will function more effectively if it is equipped with a wholesome composition of the professional cadre in each institution with adequate representation from diverse social groups. Knowledge of the two major languages in the country would greatly boost the professional cadre’s capacity for effective reportage.
10. The credibility of the media should derive from an adherence to a generally-accepted and collectively-adopted professional Code of Practice. There is a need for the media to work towards such industry-wide professional standards, including codes of practice.
11. The media is expected to focus attention in urgent social situations such as disasters in a manner that will spotlight the human predicament irrespective of region or ethnicity.
12. The current degree of competition in the media industry is leading to a reportage that exacerbates social tensions. As a balance to such competition, there should be a common professional and managerial discourse among media enterprises that will enable a more socially responsible reportage, including at the ownership level.
13. The future of Sri Lanka’s rapidly expanding media industry should be grounded on a strengthened community of media professionals based on close networking amongst the cadre across cultural and social lines.
Therefore, we call for:
1. Regular, focused consultation among media practitioners on various important aspects of the national issues in order to build a common professional discourse.
2. The media industry to evolve programmes and offer incentives to enable the professional cadre to build various capacities to fulfill the goals and objectives mentioned above, especially to build
– cross-cultural knowledge,
– fair, balanced and more analytical reporting skills,
– enhanced multi-lingual skills,
– broadened professional horizons through exposure to the global media industry context.
3. Media policy formulation: Editorial independence in policy formulation and media operations is crucial for the growth and consolidation of the Sri Lankan media industry. Given their proximity to audiences, there should be greater consultation with the journalist cadre in the formulation of publication or broadcast policy of media enterprises.
4. We expect the media industry as a whole, including industry ownership, to commit to a regular dialogue within the industry as to its role and policy in building national unity.
5. We call on all media industry related bodies and professional associations to collaborate more closely for the achievement of the above mentioned objectives, so that the industry as a whole can more effectively make its due contribution to the national unity of the country.
September, 2006.
We, the leaderships of the professional and industry bodies of the Sri Lankan Mass Media, recognizing the need for the mobilization of all sectors of society to resolve the national crisis, collectively adopt the above Weligama Declaration as an industry-wide perspective of the role of the media in building national unity.
Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association
Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions
Sri Lanka Muslim Media Forum
Sri Lanka Tamil Media Forum
Free Media Movement
The Editors Guild of Sri Lanka
The News paper Society of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Photo Journalists’ Association
Sri Lanka Environment Journalists’ Association
South Asia Free Media Association