Articles by Index on Censorship
Mapping Media Freedom: 2015 was “tumultuous” for media workers in Europe
From the attacks on Charlie Hebdo to refugee crisis-related aggression, Index’s Mapping Media Freedom correspondents discuss the violations that stood out most.
On the anniversary of Charlie Hebdo, dissenting voices must be protected
Civil society groups mark the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attack by calling on governments worldwide to fulfill their obligation to protect freedom of expression.
RSF launches international appeal for release of Cumhuriyet journalists
“The judicial system seems to prosecute journalists more often than the accomplices of Daesh (Islamic State). Turkey is a great country, with democratic institutions and a very open civil society. We appeal to the government, as a matter of honour, to restore all the conditions of pluralism, starting with freedom for journalists.”
Protect Hungarians’ right to criticise public officials, say IFEX members
IFEX members support the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union’s draft law to decriminalise libel and defamation of public officials
International community calls for the release of VICE fixer Mohammed Ismael Rasool
Members of the IFEX network and other concerned organisations demand justice for wrongful imprisonment of Mohammed Ismael Rasaool
Artwork depicting toys terrorised by ISIS removed from exhibition
According to reports, ISIS Threaten Sylvania, a series of seven satirical light box tableaux, was removed from the Passion for Freedom exhibition at the Mall galleries after police raised concerns about the “potentially inflammatory content” of the work.
Five countries using anti-terror legislation to muzzle journalists
The anti-terror charges against reporters for Vice News in Turkey are not isolated. In recent years, a number of countries have used broad anti-terror laws to restrict the freedom of the press.
Groups condemn “staggering” sentence for award-winning journalist
Sport for Rights considers the charges against investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova to be connected to her exposure of corruption among the ruling Azerbaijani elite.