(IPYS/IFEX) – On 31 May 1999, a new publication called “Repúdica” appeared in Lima’s newspaper kiosks. No address or telephone number was listed for the publication and, under the address of a non existent person, a copy of the logo and format used by “La República” appeared. “La República”‘s editor, opposition member of congress Gustavo […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – On 31 May 1999, a new publication called “Repúdica” appeared
in Lima’s newspaper kiosks. No address or telephone number was listed for
the publication and, under the address of a non existent person, a copy of
the logo and format used by “La República” appeared. “La República”‘s
editor, opposition member of congress Gustavo Mohme, is currently subject to
a slander campaign by tabloids linked to the government, and by Argentinian
citizen Héctor Faisal. Faisal, (former military officer and fugitive from
the Argentinian justice system), heads the Association for the Defense of
the Truth (Asociacion Pro Defensa de la Verdad, APRODEV), and has been
maligning journalists and persons opposed to the government via his Internet
site. The term “Repúdica” had up to now been used exclusively by Faisal and
sensationalist newspapers in reference to “La República”.
**For background on previous cases against “La República” editor Gustavo
Mohme see IFEX alerts of 28 May, 21 May, 17 May, 20 April and 8 April 1999
and 2 December 1998**
Some of the headlines of the “Repúdica” articles were: “Páez and Cruz are
still deceiving the public, forgers!”; “Mohme heads campaign against Perú”;
“Lima horrible and filthy because of Andrade” (referring to the opposition
candidate who, according to surveys, is most likely to win in the next
general elections); “Fat Andrade falls and Fuji rises”; “While his wife is
in the hospital for depression, Hildebrandt considers himself a champion of
press freedom” (referring to journalist César Hildebrandt, see IFEX alerts).
According to preliminary investigations carried out by “La República”, the
“Repúdica” is put out by the same publishing house that publishes the
sensationalist newspapers “Mañanero” and “Chuchi”, both of which are thought
to be connected to the government and to the intelligence services,
according to information published in 1998 by a national newspaper.
The new sixteen-page, colour publication will appear three times weekly, has
no advertisements and pays vendors a commission of fifty percent of the
value of each edition as commission. The publication is attacking the same
persons as Faisal and APRODEV, and even uses similar terminology.
According to some analyses, this publication is likely part of the
government’s and the intelligence services’ campaign against journalists and
members of the opposition.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
against the independent press be ended
Appeals To
Alberto Fujimori Fujimori
President of the Republic
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 426 6535Ricardo Marcenaro Frers
President of the Congress of the Republic
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 426 8290Jorge Santistevan de Noriega
Lima, Peru
Fax: +51 1 426 6657
Please copy appeals to the source if possible.