(IPYS/IFEX) – Public prosecutor Edgar Rios Montreuil is requesting a life sentence for the eleven individuals charged with murdering journalist Isabel Chumpitaz Panta and her husband, José Amaya Jacinto, in the La Union district of Bajo Piura. The prosecutor’s final report indicates that Santos Chero beat and shot Amaya Jacinto when he came out of […]
(IPYS/IFEX) – Public prosecutor Edgar Rios Montreuil is requesting a life
sentence for the eleven individuals charged with murdering journalist
Isabel Chumpitaz Panta and her husband, José Amaya Jacinto, in the La Union
district of Bajo Piura. The prosecutor’s final report indicates that Santos
Chero beat and shot Amaya Jacinto when he came out of his house to help his
wife; Amayo Jacinto was hit in the face, hemorrhaged into his mouth and was
asphyxiated by all the blood.
**Updates IFEX alerts of 21 April, 15 April and 8 April 1998**
The prosecution is charging the main authors of the murder, Roso Cruz
Anastasio “Chuqui” and Santos Chero Chunga “Chang,” who fired the shots
which finished off the couple. The other defendants are: Marco Antonio Iman
Senas, Simon Cruz Anastasio, Luciano Anastasio More, José Albines Sandoval
“Guerra,” Irineo Marchena Cordova “Patita de Cuy,” Jorge Albines Sandoval,
Henry Santos Bautista, Martín Lozada Castillo and Renelmo Navarro Lima.
Background Information
On 6 April 1998, a group of assailants entered the Chumpitaz-Panta family
estate, located in the hamlet of Cenizal in the La Union district. They
killed Chumpitaz Panta with a shot to the chest, murdered her husband and
injured her brothers Walter and Carlos Chumpitaz. The assailants fled with
5,000 soles (about USD 1,700), jewelry and two vehicles.