With all of the recent talk about digital surveillance, privacy and your rights, how much do you actually know about online privacy?
Digital rights have gained increased attention in the public eye in recent years, and are a growing focus of CJFE’s work. In March 2013, CJFE hosted an online discussion about the issue of digital privacy rights, which was highlighted in our 2012-2013 Review of Free Expression in Canada.
But even with all of the recent talk about digital surveillance, privacy and your rights, how much do you actually know about online privacy? Do you control what information you post online, and are you aware of who can access it? CJFE intern Spencer Livingstone has put together a quiz to let you test your knowledge of digital rights.
The Review
To read more about your right to online privacy in Canada, read our Privacy, Free Expression & You: Seven things you should know, first published in The Review. Download the PDF, or read the article online.
The Quiz
We’ve put together a short quiz based on information discussed at our Q&A and covered in The Review, to help you test just how well you know your digital rights. Explanations for each of the answers can be found on the CJFE website.
Please note: some of these questions may seem subjective. The responses that we have labeled as correct are our answers, in accordance with that which is constitutionally guaranteed to all Canadian citizens and our position as a freedom of expression organization.
Take the quiz here and then visit the quiz answer key on CJFE’s website