In the beginning of May 1996, an arrest warrant was issued for Miguel Perez Julca, a reporter for Radio Oriental. Then, on 6 June, a colleague of Perez at Radio Maranon got a telephone call from Perez saying that he had been arrested and taken to the El Milagro military base. He is to be […]
In the beginning of May 1996, an arrest warrant was issued for
Miguel Perez Julca, a reporter for Radio Oriental. Then, on 6
June, a colleague of Perez at Radio Maranon got a telephone call
from Perez saying that he had been arrested and taken to the El
Milagro military base. He is to be subsequently transferred to
Picsi prison.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
be made known
Appeals To
His Excellency Alberto Fujimori Fujimori
Palacio de Gobierno
Plaza de Armas
Lima 1, Peru
Fax: +511 4266770 (or +511 4266535 via presidential press office)
Sr. Carlos Hermoza Moya
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Justice
Lima, Peru
Fax: +511 4417320
Dr Blanca Nelida Colan Maguino
Public Prosecutor
Lima, Peru
Fax: +511 4264429
General Carlos Dominguez
The National Anti-Terrorism Agency (DINCOTE)
Fax: +511 4333833/333834
Please copy appeals to the originator if possible.