(JuHI/IFEX) – According to a number of sources in Kazakhstan, including the Almaty-based International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” (www.adilsoz.kz), a number of journalists were harassed in the city of Almaty in early April 2002. On 1 April, at around 3:00 p.m. (local time), two unknown individuals attacked TAN TV cameraman […]
(JuHI/IFEX) – According to a number of sources in Kazakhstan, including the Almaty-based International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” (www.adilsoz.kz), a number of journalists were harassed in the city of Almaty in early April 2002. On 1 April, at around 3:00 p.m. (local time), two unknown individuals attacked TAN TV cameraman Vadim Malakhov in front of the French Embassy. The assailants also tried to break Malakhov’s camera but were unsuccessful.
The next day, at approximately 1:00 p.m., another TAN TV cameraman, Ruslan Tahirov, was beaten by three unknown assailants at the same place. He suffered serious injuries and was hospitalised immediately afterwards.
On the night of 1-2 April, Irbis TV cameraman Valeriy Pavlov was asked to stop filming by police. The policemen wanted to confiscate Zhaqiyanova’s car. Zhaqiyanova is the wife of politician Galymzhan Zhaqiyanov, who took refuge in the French embassy in Almaty on 29 March. The cameraman stopped filming but was then asked to hand over the video cassette. He refused to do so and at that point between six and seven militiamen attacked and beat him. They destroyed his videocamera and confiscated the cassette.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to the president:
– calling for an end to the harassment of journalists
– urging him to create an environment permitting journalists and the media to freely exercise their
– calling on him to ensure that the necessary steps are taken so that the assailants are identified and punished
Appeals To
HE Nursultan Nazarbayev
President of Kazakhstan
Beibitshlik Street 11, Astana, Kazakhstan 473000
Fax: +7 3172 323 073 / 327 274
Please copy appeals to source if possible.