Groundviews, one of Sri Lanka's few remaining independent media sources, pokes fun at President Mahinda Rajapaksa's recently launched Twitter account.
(CPJ/IFEX) – The following is a CPJ Blog post:
By Bob Dietz/CPJ Asia Program Coordinator
Here is a quick pointer to one of Sri Lanka’s few remaining independent media sources, Groundviews, which just posted a lengthy look at the president’s newfound interest in social media: “The Sri Lankan President’s Twitter archive and Propaganda 2.0: New challenges for online dissent.” In a country where there isn’t all that much to laugh about, Groundviews pokes some fun at President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s recently launched Twitter account, @PresRajapaksa.
The launch of the new presidential account last month prompted a flurry of snarky postings from other users under the hashtag #PresidentTweets. Praveen J, for instance, tweeted that the president had “unlocked the Executive Power Ranger badge, bravo, you sly devil you!” So far, the president’s own account is filled with bland official announcements and a chiding reminder to journalists: