Three employees with the opposition daily “Al-Diyar” — editor- in-chief Sheril Ayyoub, director Youssef Howeyyek and cartoonist Elie Saliba — are currently being prosecuted for vaguely-worded offences under both the Lebanese Publications Law and the Penal Code. The charges against them include “defaming and soiling the honour of the president of the republic and the […]
Three employees with the opposition daily “Al-Diyar” — editor-
in-chief Sheril Ayyoub, director Youssef Howeyyek and cartoonist
Elie Saliba — are currently being prosecuted for vaguely-worded
offences under both the Lebanese Publications Law and the Penal
Code. The charges against them include “defaming and soiling the
honour of the president of the republic and the government.” They
face up to two years in prison and fines of up to 100 million
Lebanese lira (approximately US$ 64 000) for each charge if
In March 1996, Ayyoub and Howeyyek were the targets of six libel
suits brought forth by government prosecutors. The cases stemmed
from a series of articles and a cartoon that appeared in
“Al-Diyar” between 1 March and 16 March. Some of the articles in
question criticised President Rafiq Hariri as well as other
Lebanese government officials on various political issues. In one
of the suits, Saliba was charged because of a satirical cartoon
depicting current members of the government.
According to spokesmen at “Al-Diyar”, the imposition of the heavy
monetary fines would almost certainly force the paper to cease
publication. Their trials are expected to begin before the end of
the year.
Recommended Action
Send appeals to authorities:
for having carried out their professional duties
clear violations of the right to “seek, receive, and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of
frontiers,” guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights of the United Nations
that all charges against Ayyoub, Howeyyek, and Saliba be
safeguards to prevent future violations of journalists’ rights to
report news and opinions freely
Appeals To
Rafiq Hariri
Prime Minister
Republic of Lebanon
Beirut, Lebanon
c/o the Lebanese diplomatic representative in your country
c/o the Lebanese Embassy in France
Fax: +33 1 40 67 16 42
(in Canada)
Embassy of the Lebanese Republic
640 Lyon Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1S 3Z5
Fax: +1 613 232 1609
Please copy appeals to the originator if possible.