(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to the minister of the interior, RSF protested the one month suspension handed down to the weekly “L’Eveil Hebdo”. RSF also asked the minister “to take all necessary steps to have this measure annulled”, and to use his influence “to see to it that Article 11 of the press law […]
(RSF/IFEX) – In a letter to the minister of the interior, RSF protested the one month suspension handed down to the weekly “L’Eveil Hebdo”. RSF also asked the minister “to take all necessary steps to have this measure annulled”, and to use his influence “to see to it that Article 11 of the press law is rescinded”. The organisation recalled that “since the December 1997 presidential elections, the independent press has been the target of some thirty suspensions, bans or censorship actions.”
According to information collected by RSF, Mauritanian authorities seized issue 332 of the opposition weekly “L’Eveil Hebdo” and forbid its distribution for one month, in accordance with Article 11 of the country’s press law. The suspension allegedly follows the publication of an article in that issue of the newspaper which dealt with Islamist terrorist networks in the country.