Free Expression & the Law

When legislation and the judicial system affect your right to express yourself.

8347 articles
Link to: Human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev gets 7-year prison sentence in Azerbaijan

Human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev gets 7-year prison sentence in Azerbaijan

When Azerbaijani authorities arrested Aliyev in August, a journalist asked him what he was accused of. He responded calmly: “Those who defend human rights and political prisoners and report on election fraud are considered criminals in this country. [So,] I am one of those criminals.”

REUTERS/Samrang Pring

Cambodia urged to strengthen press freedom to promote independent media

Organisations call on the Cambodian government, especially the Ministry of Information, the judicial system, media organizations, civil society and development partners to take a number of concrete steps to allow journalism to thrive.


Going after whistleblowers, going after journalism: On the state of press freedom in Australia in 2015

As MEAA’s 2015 report into the state of press freedom in Australia shows, press freedom has been under assault in many areas.

REUTERS/Fabian Bimmer

Not in our name: World Press Freedom Day 116 days after Charlie Hebdo

On World Press Freedom Day, organisations from around the globe commit to defending the right to freedom of expression, even when that right is being used to express views that may be offensive.

A South African journalist takes part in a 26 February 2014 protest in Johannesburg against the arrest of an Al Jazeera crew in Egypt, AP Photo/Denis Farrell

Let Journalism Thrive: On courage, resilience, and finding a way

We honour the bravery of journalists who face obstacles head on, and the ingenuity they show in getting around them. But journalists themselves cannot – and should not – be press freedom’s only line of defense.

A Kenyan man wears a mask to preserve his anonymity as he participates in a protest in support of LGBT rights in Nairobi, Kenya, February 2014, AP Photo/Ben Curtis, File

Kenya’s High Court rules LGBT group can register as NGO

The National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission’s original request to register had been denied in March 2013 because their name was deemed “unacceptable.”

Link to: Jordan jails journalist for criticizing Saudi campaign in Yemen

Jordan jails journalist for criticizing Saudi campaign in Yemen

A Jordanian journalist was arrested on April 23, 2015, after publishing an article the week before that criticized Operation Decisive Storm, the bombing campaign by a Saudi-led coalition including Jordan against Houthi forces in Yemen.

Razan Zaitouneh, above, Samira Khalil, Nazem Hamadi and Wa’el Hamada were abducted on 9 December 2013

Syrian rights defender Razan Zaitouneh to spend 38th birthday in prison

To mark the 38th birthday (on April 29) of missing human rights defender and lawyer Razan Zaitouneh, international human rights groups reiterate their call for her immediate release, as well as that of her missing colleagues Samira Khalil, Nazem Hamadi and Wa’el Hamada.

Mostafa Aziz, Facebook / Free Mostafa Aziz page

Iranian-Canadian television producer detained for comments made on social media

Mostafa Azizi, author and television producer, was arrested and moved to Iran’s notorious Evin prison on 1 February 2015. Azizi has been charged with “insulting the Supreme Leader”, “conspiracy against the regime” and “conspiracy against public order” amongst other charges.

Zone 9/Facebook

One year on, Ethiopian Zone 9 bloggers remain in detention

The 25 and 26 April 2015 mark the anniversary of the detention of six bloggers and three independent journalists arrested under Ethiopia’s Anti-Terrorism Proclamation 2009. One year on there is little to celebrate.

A protest calling for the release of the land rights activists, 25 January 2015, CCHR

New Year brings welcome release of activists in Cambodia, but judicial reform still essential

Without meaningful reform to strengthen judicial independence, politically motivated cases against critical voices and unfair trials are likely to continue, CCHR notes.

Malaysian lawyers hold a protest calling for the repeal of the Sedition Act in Kuala Lumpur, 16 October 2014, REUTERS/Olivia Harris

Groups call for end to crackdown on free expression

Concerns include the use of Malaysia’s Sedition Act to suppress legitimate criticism of government and courts.

Link to: Iran charges Washington Post journalist with espionage

Iran charges Washington Post journalist with espionage

The fact that Iran has no evidence to back up these grave charges proves the political nature of Jason Rezaian’s prolonged and cruel detention,” said Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa program coordinator.

Karma Khayat, REUTERS/Dylan Martinez

Lebanese journalist on trial for contempt of court at UN-backed tribunal

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon, created to investigate Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri’s assassination in 2005, accuses Karma Khayat of endangering confidential witnesses by filming them for a report after learning of their identity from an anonymous leak.

Policemen sit in front of empty bars during the verdict hearing in a case rooted in violence that swept Egypt after the military-led ouster of Mohammed Morsi (11 April 2015), REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh

Egypt hands down life sentences, death penalties to alleged Muslim Brotherhood supporters

The 51 defendants include 10 journalists and seven people who worked as Brotherhood spokesmen or for Brotherhood-owned news outlets.