Free Expression & the Law

When legislation and the judicial system affect your right to express yourself.

8646 articles
Link to: Delays in defamation trial of “El Impulso” journalist

Delays in defamation trial of “El Impulso” journalist

(IPYS/IFEX) – Journalist José Ángel Ocanto, managing editor of “El Impulso” daily, in the city of Barquisimeto, located in the west central region of the country, has complained that a defamation case being brought against him by Major Arnaldo Certaín is being delayed. Certaín is a former director of the Security and Public Order Unit […]

Link to: Declaration on defamation and freedom of expression in Southeastern Europe

Declaration on defamation and freedom of expression in Southeastern Europe

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is a declaration signed by participants at a 27 to 28 June 2003 conference on “Defamation in South East Europe”, organised by ARTICLE 19, the Romanian Helsinki Committee and the Center for Independent Journalism: Declaration We, the participants (1) of the conference on ‘Defamation in South East Europe’, organised by […]

Link to: ARTICLE 19 releases campaign pack on defamation and insult laws in SADC countries

ARTICLE 19 releases campaign pack on defamation and insult laws in SADC countries

(ARTICLE 19/IFEX) – The following is an ARTICLE 19 press release: ARTICLE 19 RELEASES CAMPAIGN PACK ON DEFAMATION AND INSULT LAWS IN SADC ARTICLE 19 releases today, on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, a campaign pack on defamation and insult laws in Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries. This pack is the result […]

Link to: FMM urges government to speed up media reform agenda, investigations into cases of killed journalists

FMM urges government to speed up media reform agenda, investigations into cases of killed journalists

(FMM/IFEX) – The following is an FMM press release: On May 3, 2003, the day the world marks World Press Freedom Day, the Free Media Movement (FMM) calls on the government to speed up the media reform agenda. The United National Front (UNF) government took office promising a broad democratic reform programme, including media freedom. […]

Link to: Government downgrades importance of scrapping insult laws

Government downgrades importance of scrapping insult laws

(PERIODISTAS/IFEX) – On 7 March 2003, the Chilean press learned that the government had not renewed the “urgent” classification for the proposed law that would put an end to the country’s insult laws. The law was sent to Parliament by President Lagos in August 2002. The insult laws provide high officials with greater protection from […]

Link to: WPFC calls on President Lagos to urge Congress to eliminate “desacato” laws

WPFC calls on President Lagos to urge Congress to eliminate “desacato” laws

(WPFC/IFEX) – The following is a 21 January 2003 WPFC letter to President Ricardo Lagos: Jan. 21, 2003 His Excellency President Ricardo Lagos Escobar Presidency of the Republic La Moneda Palace Santiago, Chile Your Excellency: On behalf of the World Press Freedom Committee and the 44 journalistic groups it represents globally, I wish to express […]

Link to: Insult laws are incompatible with press freedom, say participants at IFEX General Meeting

Insult laws are incompatible with press freedom, say participants at IFEX General Meeting

(IFEX) – The following statement, entitled “Insult Laws are Incompatible with Press Freedom”, was signed by participants, including 27 IFEX members, at the IFEX General Meeting in Dakar, Senegal (10 to 13 September 2002). The text follows in English, Spanish and French: Insult Laws are Incompatible with Press Freedom We, the undersigned, meeting in Dakar, […]

Link to: “Insult” laws a colonial hangover that haunts Africa’s press, says WPFC in a World Press Freedom Day statement

“Insult” laws a colonial hangover that haunts Africa’s press, says WPFC in a World Press Freedom Day statement

(WPFC/IFEX) – The following is a statement by WPFC Executive Director Marilyn Greene on World Press Freedom Day: ‘Insult’ Laws: A Colonial Hangover Haunts Africa’s Press Statement by Marilyn Greene Executive Director World Press Freedom Committee Windhoek, Namibia May 3, 2001 Good afternoon, and thank you for standing by for this part of the program […]