Every day, citizens, journalists, artists and activists are harassed, tortured and killed for expressing themselves.

In the majority of these cases, no one is punished. We’re working to change this.

The shocking facts about the problem of impunity:

journalists and media workers have been killed since 2006.

9 out of 10 cases go unpunished and see perpetrators walk free.

organisations that make up the IFEX network are committed to ending impunity.

Action Plan or Inaction Plan? The fate of the world’s journalists – and our democracies – hangs in the balance

On the 2022 International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, and the 10th anniversary of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists, IFEX’s Executive Director underscores the need for States to start living up to their commitments.

Recent Articles on Impunity

Violence and insecurity, the main obstacle for the press in Haiti

In September 2022, Frantzsen Charles, Tayson Lartigue, and five other journalists were covering clashes between rival gangs in the Cité Soleil neighborhood of Port-au-Prince when they were attacked. IAPA has called for justice in their case.

Iran: Rights groups urgently call for the release of women human rights defenders

Women activists, artists, and social media influencers have particularly faced heightened targeting amidst an ongoing campaign against freedom of expression.

In countries where press freedom is at risk, so is democracy

“In 2024, the same year democracy levels hit their lowest point since The Economist’s Democracy Index was created in 2006, RSF noted that journalists’ work was increasingly obstructed by political forces.”

Philippines: Media groups call for swift trial to finally achieve justice for journalist Gerry Ortega

The wanted official had been in hiding despite an arrest warrant issued against him in 2023.

Joint Statements

Targeted and discredited: Palestinian journalists suffer double punishment in Gaza

“The targeted killing of ‘Al Jazeera’ correspondent Ismail al-Ghoul is one of the most shocking examples of impunity we have witnessed in the war in Gaza.”

Over 90 rights groups call on US to make effective use of Global Magnitsky sanctions

“The unique power of Global Magnitsky sanctions greatly relies on the fact that this particular tool has a specific purpose – to condemn and hold accountable perpetrators of the world’s worst abuses.”

Joint Statements