
Threats, harassment, assaults, and worse – intimidation as a means of suppressing free expression.

6556 articles

Exposing hypocrisy: The EU’s failure to defend human rights in the case of Abdulhadi al-Khawaja

Why have the EU and Denmark not done more to secure the release of the prominent Bahraini-Danish human rights defender?

Jordanian authorities crack down on online speech during the war on Gaza, illegally arrest detainees’ family members

Authorities have used the Cybercrime Law to suppress citizens’ freedom of expression, launching an arrest campaign targeting activists.

Libya: Research briefing on the use of security and religious discourse to justify repression

CIHRS documented several cases illustrating the extent of systematic repression used by authorities to stifle opposition.

Disturbing threats against the bastion of Burundian independent press

A series of alarming incidents involving journalists from the independent news outlet Iwacu Press Group raises serious concerns about their ongoing safety.

Journalists assaulted amid ongoing Kenyan protests

CPJ’s queries sent via emails and text messages to the Ministry of Interior, Kenya National Police Service, and the Communications Authority on Tuesday night did not receive an immediate response.

MFWA demands release of abducted Burkinabé journalist

Just days after the Superior Council for Communication (CSC) suspended “L’Évènement”, Atiana Serge Oulon, editor-in-chief of the paper, was abducted from his home.

Julian Assange freed after five years in high security prison

“We are hugely relieved that Julian Assange is finally free – a long overdue victory for journalism and press freedom. He never should have spent a single day deprived of his liberty for publishing information in the public interest” – RSF

UK: New government must prioritise freedom of expression

Ahead of the UK’s general election on 4 July, ARTICLE 19 outlines key policy areas for the incoming government to set free expression priorities.

Drug-related violence fuels an exodus of Ecuador’s press

“The longer journalists remain in exile, the harder it can be for them to remain in the profession” – CPJ.

Pakistan Press Foundation alarmed by the brutal murder of journalist Khalil Jibran

Authorities were urged to ensure that the targeted killing of the journalist is investigated swiftly and effectively.

“Why do they hate us so much?” Discriminatory censorship laws harm education in Florida

The state’s actions have created an environment of censorship and discrimination in classrooms that harms education for all Florida students but is especially hostile in its impact on Black Floridians and LGBTQ Floridians.

Malaysia: Adopt positive measures to counter hate speech in society

ARTICLE 19 reiterates that hate speech, as a form of discriminatory expression, is a severe human rights concern.

Syrian journalists threatened with arrest and deportation by neighbouring states

“If sent back to Syria, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists, they risk imminent arrest and even death.” – RSF

Licenses of 6 independent broadcasters revoked in Guinea

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) urges ECOWAS to press Guinean authorities to stop censoring the media.

Church members assault journalists in Ituri province

After refusing to be interviewed over a land dispute, church congregants then attacked reporters Esaïe Mbusa and Néhémie Paluku.

Media freedom in danger in Niger

Nigerien authorities have criminalised journalism through an amendment to the cybercrime law, reversing the previous government’s 2022 decision to replace prison sentences with fines.