A database of porn users and the 59 journalists serving 417 years on terrorism charges

This article is more than 6 years old

Recent articles in Europe & Central Asia

Türkiye: Ensure rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression

IFEX joins partner human rights and journalist organisations in calling on the government to cease its attacks against peaceful protesters, stop targeting journalists and news channels, and halt its crackdown on online speech.

Hungary: HCLU calls on European Commission to take action over new legislation banning Pride

A recent amendment adds to Hungary’s anti-LGBTQI propaganda law, and allows for the blanket use of facial recognition technology to identify those who attend Pride or related events.

An interview with the world’s first online safety editor

“We are observing a notable increase in impersonation cases and politically motivated harassment. Tracking these trends allows us to provide timely advice and updates to our journalists, ensuring they are better prepared to handle these threats” – Rebecca Whittington