Free Expression & the Law

When legislation and the judicial system affect your right to express yourself.

8657 articles

RSF calls on Europe to mobilise against cyberharassment targeting women journalists

RSF calls on EU member states to swiftly implement a recently adopted Directive that acknowledges the specific threat of misogynistic online violences and requires them to adapt their criminal law accordingly.

Nepal: Press Council urged not to regulate content on social media

Freedom Forum is concerned over the Press Council’s statement about regulating content published on social media platforms.

Philippines: Community journalist Cumpio takes witness stand after four years

The journalist was arrested and detained in 2020 for alleged illegal possession of firearms and explosives.

Pakistan: Bytes for All rejects government’s plan to ban VPNs

Authorities urged to draw a balance between fundamental freedoms and counter-terrorism measures.

Oman’s new media law undermines freedom of expression

The oppressive law grants authorities unprecedented control over the media, threatening independent journalism and increasing self-censorship.

Tragedy strikes as activist Kianoosh Sanjari takes his life in protest

“No one should be imprisoned for expressing their opinions. Protest is the right of every Iranian citizen,” the activist wrote in his final message.

Guinea-Bissau urged to adopt measures to enhance press freedom

Media advocacy organisations MFWA, Sinjotec, and the CPJ are encouraging authorities in Guinea-Bissau to address issues such as assaults, arbitrary detentions, and legal harassment of journalists, ahead of the country’s January 2025 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process.

Sierra Leone ordered to compensate victims of crackdown

The ECOWAS Court of Justice has authorised the payment of USD15000 each to Hassan Kargbo and Mohamed Fornah, as compensation, for the violation of their right to security during a police crackdown on a July 2022 demonstration.

Venezuela: A new report by RSF and partner organisations condemns the fear, intimidation, and self-censorship surrounding the presidential election

In the face of the growing crackdown on press freedom sparked by Venezuela’s presidential election, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and seven partner organisations (including IFEX-ALC) have joined forces to expose the harrowing obstacles currently facing the Venezuelan press. The report found over 228 violations of press freedom, and notes that at least eight journalists remain arbitrarily imprisoned.

Ukraine: 13 journalists killed at work in first 1,000 days of Russia’s invasion

Some journalists have been killed as a result of Russian shelling, either indiscriminate or targeted, while others were likely killed in extrajudicial executions. Dozens more have been wounded.

RSF presses criminal charges against ‘X’ over disinformation

After ‘X’ failed to address disinformation about RSF on its platform, the press freedom group is now pursuing the matter via the French courts, arguing that ‘X’ is complicit in disseminating false information and identity theft.

The Chinese regime’s fierce repression of journalists hidden behind a day of celebration

RSF identifies five key repressive tactics that highlight the critical dangers to press freedom in China.

Egypt sentences detained journalist to 20 years; accused of threatening second journalist

Yasser Abu Al-Ela is sentenced to 20 years in prison, while Rasha Azab faces threats and harassment, reflecting the escalating dangers for journalists in the country.

Bolivia: RSF denounces the violent attacks against at least 25 journalists covering mass protests

Tensions between Bolivia’s current president and his political rival have led to massive protests and road blockades.The ongoing unrest has resulted in an increase in violence against journalists covering the protests.

Peru judge orders IDL-Reporteros to turn over audio recordings in corruption case

“It is appalling that the Peruvian judicial system is being used to prosecute IDL-Reporteros and Gustavo Gorriti for their work investigating issues of public interest” – CPJ.

Freedom for Alaa Abd el-Fattah: NGOs appeal to UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

IFEX joins rights groups urging the UN to act on the case of the British-Egyptian activist, who remains detained despite completing his sentence.