Free Expression & the Law

When legislation and the judicial system affect your right to express yourself.

8660 articles

7amleh warns against Israel’s proposed “Computer Data Intrusion” law

The proposed law grants Israeli police unprecedented surveillance powers, further endangering Palestinians.

Report: Combating impunity for crimes against Syrian journalists

A new SCM study highlights the need for effective mechanisms to address widespread abuses against journalists in Syria.

The Gambia’s media being silenced through defamation lawsuits

The Gambia Press Union urges states officials to take up their complaints through the country’s self-regulatory mechanism, instead of resorting to financially crippling litigation against media outlets.

Journalist jailed for critical reporting on housing mismanagement

The detention of Thierry Patrick Ondoua and continued imprisonment of five other journalists emphasises the need to review Cameroon’s laws that criminalise journalism.

CIPESA trains civil society on mainstreaming persons with disabilities

Training undertaken on digital rights focuses on getting advocates to understand and appreciate the intersectionality between disability, technology, and human rights.

How public leaders can – and should – protect US elections

Despite having an election system that is free, fair, and secure, the United States is again awash in false and misleading narratives about the potential for election fraud.

China: New campaign to ‘standardise’ use of language signals further clampdown on online expression

The rise in online censorship has been labelled by online commentators in China as the ‘new literary inquisition’.

Morocco’s pardoned journalists face smears, threats after prison

After their release, Moroccan journalists face harassment, threats, and media smears, revealing the ongoing dangers of independent reporting in the country.

ADHRB addresses human rights violations in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia

Concerns were raised at the 57th UN Human Rights Council about repression in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, urging accountability and safeguarding free expression.

Syria: Two journalists released after arbitrary detention amid ongoing crackdown

The detention of journalists Bakr Qassem and Karam Kulliyeh raises concerns over increasing repression of press freedom in Northern Syria.

Bianet submits shadow report on Turkey to UN Human Rights Committee

Bianet’s shadow report on Turkey highlights threats to freedom of expression from several sources and gender-based violence.

Australia: Media, creative, and arts workers spearhead calls for new AI-specific Act

The proposed measure seeks greater transparency and disclosure around the use of data and to prevent the theft of original works.

Hong Kong: End arbitrary censorship of “Flow HK” website

This is the first instance of targeted censorship of an overseas media website.

Press freedom in Paraguay threatened by proposed law to control nonprofits

“Many independent media in Paraguay are nonprofits that rely on international funding and this law would force them to disclose information and data about people who work for them could seriously hamper their work” – CPJ

Guatemala: RSF welcomes court order for Jose Rubén Zamora’s release to house arrest, but calls for full and unconditional freedom

“We are hugely relieved that after more than 800 days, Jose Rubén Zamora’s hellish ordeal in a Guatemalan prison has finally been brought to an end with the court decision for his release to house arrest. But let’s be clear: house arrest is not freedom. It is another form of detention” – RSF

Critical media still continue to operate under duress in The Gambia

The Gambia Press Union’s submissiion to 81st ordinary session of African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) convening highlights the need for effective implementation of country’s ATI law.