Free Expression & the Law

When legislation and the judicial system affect your right to express yourself.

8663 articles

Drop charges and immediately release Cambodian journalist Mech Dara

Dara is a frontline investigative journalist whose stories have uncovered corruption, environmental destruction, and human trafficking.

Slovakia: Prime Minister launches SLAPP case against journalist and publisher

PM Fico is claiming 200,000 euros as compensation for non-material damage caused by the choice of cover photo on the book ‘Fico-Obsessed with Power’.

Unchecked Israeli impunity deepens in Lebanon and Palestine, dissent stifled in Egypt and Iran

September 2024 in MENA: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Naseem Tarawnah, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

Cameroon’s chokehold on civic space, election-related violations on the incline, and honouring Samira Sabou

September 2024 in Africa: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Reyhana Masters, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

Kuwait: Significant restrictions on the right to freely form and join independent associations

The latest measures raise alarms about the erosion of civil liberties and the stifling of dissenting voices.

Egypt: Reject draft Criminal Procedure Code

The proposed legislation threatens to undermine fair trial protections and entrench abuses by authorities, warn human rights groups.

Tunisia: Release former Truth Commission president

Authorities target prominent human rights defender Sihem Bensedrine, amid rising repression ahead of the presidential election.

Another blow for press freedom in Cameroon

The 10-year prison sentence imposed on freelance reporter Kingsley Fumunyuy Njoka illustrates the ongoing persecution of journalists in Cameroon’s English-speaking regions.

Africa’s persistent digital divide deepens political inequities

CIPESA’s 2024 State of Internet Freedom in Africa report examines the interplay between technology and elections.

Public institutions remain shrouded in secrecy

The Fourth Estate’s targeted examination reveals the rampant denial of information requests by public bodies.

Georgia: Rights groups condemn recently-adopted homophobic bill

“This legislation imposes censorship on media by banning broadcasters from freely reporting on LGBTQI+ issues. The Georgian government must stop its legal attacks on press freedom and freedom of expression.”

Spotlighting access to information in Asia and the first Pacific media freedom index

September 2024 in Asia-Pacific: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s regional editor Mong Palatino, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.

Taliban imposes stricter regulations on Afghan media, raising concerns over press freedom

The Taliban has introduced 21 media directives that have severely restricted press freedom.

Myanmar’s challenges as the country marks International Day for Universal Access to Information

Mizzima said media groups will focus on the urgent need to underscore access to information as a cornerstone of a free and democratic society.

Freedom of expression vs. sovereignty in Brazil, and a setback for public information access in Argentina

September in the Americas: A free expression and civic space round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Laura Vidal. Two ongoing stories highlight key challenges in connection with the International Day for Universal Access to Information, celebrated on 28 September.

Legislating to stifle civic space and the rights issues at stake at COP29

September 2024 in Europe and Central Asia: A free expression round-up produced by IFEX’s Regional Editor Cathal Sheerin, based on IFEX member reports and news from the region.