NEWS CREWS INSULTED AND ATTACKED On May 8, 2012 journalists and cameraman were physically and verbally attacked in the vicinity of “La Planta” prison while they covered the riots that took place there. This happened in downtown Caracas. The news crews were made up by journalist Daniel Guillermo Colina and his cameraman Luis Reaño (from […]
On May 8, 2012 journalists and cameraman were physically and verbally
attacked in the vicinity of “La Planta” prison while they covered the
riots that took place there. This happened in downtown Caracas.
The news crews were made up by journalist Daniel Guillermo Colina and
his cameraman Luis Reaño (from Globovision) as well as Jordan Rodriguez
journalist and Clayboard Saint Johns cameraman from Telesur.
Colina told IPYS-Venezuela that five officers of the National Guard
went after him to beat him and take away his camera.
Some hours afterwards, and because of the intervention of the Minister
for Prison Affaires, Iris Varela, and some Generals of the National
Guard the camera was handed back to the news crew. However the lamp and
receiver of the camera were broken, Colina said
Also, journalist Jordan Rodriguez told IPYS-Venezuela that when they
arrived to the scene a group of people began to beat and insult them.
They told them to “get out of there” because they are a State-owned
channel. The same group of people later pushed the cameraman to take
away his camera.
Said people kept his camera for some minutes and after Rodriguez
mediated on the issue the camera was returned, yet the tripod, lens and
sound cable were broken, Rodriguez said.
El 08 de mayo de 2012, periodistas y camarógrafos fueron agredidos
física y verbalmente en los alrededores del centro penitenciario “La
Planta”, donde se encontraban dando cobertura a los disturbios
que se
presentaron en horas del mediodía. Este hecho ocurrió en el centro de
Caracas, capital del país.
Los equipos reporteriles estaban integrados por el periodista de
Globovisión, Daniel Guillermo Colina y su camarógrafo Luis Reaño, y el
equipo de TeleSur, por el periodista Jordán Rodríguez
y Claybord Saint
Jhons, su camarógrafo.
Colina informó a Ipys que cinco efectivos de la Guardia Nacional se
dirigieron al camarógrafo para golpearlo y quitarle la cámara.
Horas más tarde, y mediante unos llamados a la Ministra de Servicios
Penitenciarios, Iris Valera, y Generales de la Guardia Nacional, le fue
devuelto la cámara al equipo reporteril.
Sin embargo, el periodista
señaló que los efectivos militares rompieron la lámpara y receptor de la
Por otra parte, el periodista Jordán Rodríguez indicó a Ipys que cuando
se presentaron en el lugar un grupo de personas comenzaron a darle
golpes, insultarlos y decirles que se “fueran de ahí” porque eran un
canal del gobierno nacional. Inmediatamente este mismo grupo empujó a su
camarógrafo para quitarle la cámara.
Estas personas le retuvieron la cámara por unos minutos, después que el
periodista mediara
para que se la devolvieran. A la cámara le dañaron
el trípode, lente y el cable del sonido, señaló Rodríguez.