This Organisational Strength Map has been developed for IFEX members, and is designed to help you understand your organisation’s strengths and opportunities in meeting the goal of fostering free expression. It will give you a snapshot of your organisation’s position in the organisational development landscape, which you can use to plan the next steps in your organisation’s growth. You can use it as a starting point to generate new conversations in your organisation, or contribute to ongoing discussions. The results may also help you more accurately present your organisation to the public, media and donors.
Each section represents one important part of your organisation’s work. Under each section are a few statements to get you thinking about how your organisation is positioned in that area. After you have read each statement, you are asked to determine if this area represents an organisational strength or challenge, from your organisation’s perspective. Based on your responses, your position in the landscape will correspond to recommendations relating to your organisation’s next steps on your journey.
You can use this tool section by section or all at once. One person could do the whole map for your organisation, or several individuals could do it separately and then compare recommendations. Or a group of people could do it together and through discussion come to agreement on each response.
If you encounter difficulties in using the tool, or spot things that you think should be changed, let IFEX know about them. This tool may be revised after it has been used for a while. Write to us at members@ifex.org and give us your feedback.
Start with any section you like! Each section takes only a few minutes to fill in. Nobody outside your organisation will see the results unless you choose to share them, and there are no wrong or right answers — just your best thinking at this moment on your organisation’s position in its own organisational development landscape.

The Big Picture
Where in the landscape of organisational development does your organisation sit? What is the terrain like around you? Do you have the tools you need to climb to new heights and to explore your challenges? Are you able to lead others with you on your journey to free expression? Are you confident about the resources you have and will need on that journey?
- The Big Picture
- El Panorama General
- Puntos de partida
- El Panorama General
- Starting Points
- Panorama general
- The Big Picture
- The Big Picture
- El Panorama General
- The Big Picture
- El Panorama General
- The Big Picture
- 10 Steps To Rethinking Your Website
- Getting Started: How to Develop Your Organisation’s FSP
- Propósito
- 10 Steps To Developing A Social Media Strategy
- ¿Cuáles son los elementos de un plan estratégico?
- Asegúrese de que sea Claro
- What Are the Components of a Strategic Plan?
- Make Sure It Is Clear
- Para empezar: Cómo desarrollar el PSF de su organización
- 10 pasos para desarrollar una estrategia de medios sociales
- 10 Pasos Para Repensar Su Sitio Web
- Purpose
- ¿Qué son la visión, la misión, los valores y la teoría del cambio?
- Apéndice
- Asegúrese de que esté dirigida
- Planificación
- Appendix
- Diversificar sus fuentes de ingreso
- Apéndice
- Appendices
- Planning
- Diversifying Revenue Sources
- What Are Vision, Mission, Values and Theory of Change?
- Make Sure It Is Targeted
- ¿Qué son los propósitos, objetivos y metas SMART?
- What are SMART Goals, Objectives and Targets?
- Asegúrese de que es Alcanzable
- Construyendo Fondos Sin Restricción desde Ingresos por Trabajo
- Operaciones diarias
- Make Sure It Is Achievable
- Daily Operations
- Building Unrestricted Funds From Earned Income
- Dejar reservas de lado
- Finding Money
- What is an Annual Plan or Workplan?
- ¿Qué es un plan anual o plan de trabajo?
- Setting Aside Reserves
- Communications Strategy Appendices
- Buscar fondos
- Personas
- FSP References and Resources
- People
- Referencias y recursos del PSF
- What is an Environmental Scan?
- ¿Qué es un análisis del entorno?
- What is Your Organisation’s Competitive Advantage?
- Administrando los fondos
- ¿Cuál es la ventaja competitiva de su organización?
- Managing Money
- ¿Cómo mantenemos actualizada nuestra estrategia y plan estratégico?
- Gobernanza
- How Do We Keep Our Strategy and Strategic Plan Current?
- Governance
- Communications Planning
- How Do We Measure Change?
- Planificación de las comunicaciones
- ¿Cómo medimos el cambio?
- Working With a Consultant
- Seguridad digital
- Digital Security
- Trabajar con un/a consultor/a
- IFEX Strategic Planning Tools
- Herramientas de Planificación Estratégica de IFEX